DeanVaughn Medical Terminology

by Peterson's LLC



Need help memorizing and pronouncing medical terms?You’ll only have to learn 275 flashcards to memorize 11,000+ medical terms. Unique picture flashcards help you memorize and pronounce complex Greek and Latin terms.–275 fun picture medical terminology flashcards–Short videos with medical terminology lessonsNow with a lower price.----------------------------------------------------------------Trusted by over 3 million individuals at 12,000+ schools and businesses. Medical terminology flashcard sets and short video courses quickly teach you 275 medical suffixes, prefixes, and roots that combine to form 11,000+ complex medical terms. Great for Students & ProfessionalsEssential for health sciences students and healthcare professionals for careers as medical assistants, certified nursing assistants, insurance underwriting, pharmacy tech, medical billing specialists, and medical coders: CNA, LPN, RN, LPhT, CMA, RMA, CCS, CPC.